Art by Howard Sherman, Howard Purcell, Sheldon Moldoff, Carmine Infantino, George Roussos, Gray Morrow, Wayne Boring, Stan Kaye and Bernard Baily
Cover by Jerry Ordway
The final 80-page Giant has been rescued, bringing a close to a beloved era! Under a new cover by Jerry Ordway, this book includes the secret origins os these "weird" DC characters: Dr. Fate (MORE FUN COMICS #55), Enchantress (STRANGE ADVENTURES #187), Animal Man (STRANGE ADVENTURES #180), Congorilla (ACTION COMICS #247), El Diablo (ALL-STAR WESTERN #3), Bizarro (WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #181), and The Spectre (MORE FUN COMICS #52-53)!
On sale Aug 25 80 pg, FC